Florencia Di Concilio

Uruguayan born and Italian national, pianist and composer Florencia Di Concilio resides in Paris and has become an established figure in film music.

Among several new film soundtracks, she signed the score for River Phoenix last film Dark Blood, posthumously completed and premiered in the Official Selection of the 2013 Berlin International Film Festival. An active composer of concert music, Florencia Di Concilio’s piano concerto, commissioned and premiered by the Montevideo Philharmonic received raving reviews from the national press and was described as “a memorable evening, in which Florencia Di Concilio’s extraordinary talent met the audience’s full recognition and standing ovation” (El Pais).

The piano concerto received its USA premiere in March 2013. Over the past few years Florencia Di Concilio has composed the original soundtrack for more than 30 award winning feature films and documentaries for cinema and television (ARTE, BBC, HBO, Sundance, Canal +, etc), working with a wide range of directors such as George Sluizer, Heddy Honigmann, Peter Wintonick, Angus MacQueen, Tanaz Eshaghian, Marc and Nick Francis, or Gonzalo Arijon, with whom she frequently collaborates.

Florencia Di Concilio’s versatile film scoring work has received critical praise from the New York Times, Variety, Entertainment Weekly, the L.A. Times, and has been released by Universal Records. About her score for multi award winner film Stranded, Kenneth Turan from the Los Angeles Times wrote, “In addition to doing the interviews, Stranded’s director had other ways of making his narrative especially effective, starting with utilizing the film’s delicate, otherworldly score by composer Florencia Di Concilio to add a disturbing air to the proceedings. – About Dark Blood, Variety writes, “Florencia Di Concilio’s guitar-heavy score enhances the film’s moods”.

Comfortable in both instrumental and electronic composition and performance, Florencia Di Concilio frequently receives commissions from dance companies, soloists, music ensembles, and visual artists, such as Dutch artist Ilse, Frech, Brazilian countertenor José Lemos, Argentinean bandoneonist Victor Villena, pianists Enrique Graf, Ciro Foderé, and Javier Bezzato, guitarist Marco Sartor, the acclaimed CobosMika contemporary dance company in a piece premiered at the Mercat de les Flors in Barcelona, or celebrated French artist Camille Henrot in a piece commissioned by the French national museum Jeu de Paume. Florencia Di Concilio holds piano, composition, and orchestration degrees from the New England conservatory in Boston, the College of Charleston, and the Conservatoire Supérieur de Paris.

As a classical pianist, Florencia has won top prizes at national and international competitions as well as extensively performing as a soloist and chamber musician. Florencia Di Concilio has served as guest lecturer, panelist, and has conducted music workshops at the Netherlands Film and Television Academy, the Sundance Festival, the Rencontres Internationales du Documentaire de Montreal, and the Brighton Film Festival.

Invited by the French Embassy, along with the Peruvian Ministry of Culture, Florencia conducted a workshop in Lima in fall 2013. Florencia has just finished the scores for CHAMELEON, directed by Ryan Mullins (Canada), and BIKES vs CARS directed by Fredrik Gertten (Sweden).

She is currently working on the soundtracks for BILLIONAIRE directed by Edgar Honetschlaeger (Austria), and ROCIO, directed by Laura Bari (Argentina / Canada). In June 2015, Enrique Graf will premiere Florencia Di Concilio’s Piano Etudes at the DiMenna Center in New York City, and Gustavo Nuñez, principal bassoonist of the Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra, will premiere Florencia’s bassoon concerto, commissioned by the Miami Symphony Orchestra for their 2016 season.

Florencia Di Concilio recently signed a long term publishing agreement with Bosworth Music / the Music Sales Group and has been announced Composer in Residence of the Miami Symphony Orchestra. Florencia is represented by Annette Gentz Music & Film Arts in Berlin.